Student Council

The College provides the students with the services of professional counsellors to tackle emotional and academic problems. While the students are encouraged to visit the counsellors by voluntary appointment, the College may also refer students who may be judged to benefit from such referral. Regular value inputs are given to all students in order to deliberate on and assimilate human, social and spiritual values. Besides, a multi-religious prayer room is provided for yoga, quiet relaxation and prayer during recess hours.

Council Members

Mr Hemanth V
3rd B Com B

Ms Sharal Acquinas
3rd B Com B

Mr. Nikhil Teja
2nd B Com C

Joint Secretary
Mr. Vivek Kumar Mourya
1st B Com B

Cultural Secretary
Mr Shan Michael
2nd B A

Sport Secretary
Mr Shreekanth R
3rd B Com A

Students benefit immensely from being involved in student councils - they learn leadership skills, they have an opportunity to gain experience in public speaking, they learn organizational skills and cope with challenges beyond their everyday college life, they learn how to resolve conflict amicably and diplomatically.

Most of all they learn how to make a positive impact on the college and community environment.

It gives students a practical, first-hand understanding of how democracy functions by giving them a voice and a chance to contribute to the functioning of the college.

A democratically elected student council allows students to practice leadership and decision-making skills as well as working hard for the benefit of their college community.

Students have to think about and communicate to the electorate all the qualities that make them ideal candidates for the particular post they are interested in.

The entire process right from submitting their candidature, preparing their speech, convincing the students to vote for them, getting elected, and performing their duties as responsible representatives of the student body implicitly helps students understand the true meaning of democracy.

They take responsibility for voicing the opinions and ideas of the general student body, as well as informing fellow students about current endeavors within the Student Council.

In addition to planning events that contribute to college spirit, the student council is the voice of the student body. They help share student ideas, interests and concerns of the college community.